Monday, August 31, 2009

We should grow together!

Saturday afternoon, my husband and I decided we should go out and eat. We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Red Lobster. It was really refreshing to get out with my husband and children. My son behaved so well at the table and our daughter was sleeping most of the time. It was a perfect dinner.

Well, as my husband checked his work Blackberry, I stared at him. I was proud. I told my husband, "You know, you've changed." He smiled and asked, "Really? How so?" I explained to him that by change I mean, he's grown. You see, I notice a huge difference in the Kellus I knew before we got married and the Kellus and I know today. They are two completely different people, ranging from his recreational interest to his work ethic; even his spirituality. He has grown. As we continued to chat, he gave me the same compliment.

This drew me to compare our relationship with Christ to our marriages. When we accept Christ into our hearts, we begin on our earthly journey that is filled with growth! We go through things in life, ultimately to grow. We're tested, tempted and tried along the way. But, the things we endure are not in vain. This is how we grow; it's how we learn. This is what happens in our relationship with God. This is also what happens in our marriage relationship.

Marriage is filled with all sorts of test, Amen? I know I can get a witness. Sometimes we probably wish God would have written a Marriage Manual exclusively for us; one that instructs us on how to live with our mates. That would be nice, but it's certainly nonexistent. It may feel like it's one thing after the next that we go through. But, truth is, the things we are facing is really going to build your marriage testimony. Scripture tells us that All things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.(Romans 8:28). This includes things we face in life in general, but also in our marriages. Again, God can use things we go through to build our testimony.

Think of things you previously went through in your marriage. How did you make it out and did it bring you and your spouse closer? Did it help you grow?

In the first three years of our marriage, my husband and I endured a lot. I'll spare the details, but the Lord really has carried us through some very trying times. However, the things we went through together made us stronger; stronger in our Faith and stronger in Love with each other. God had to show us how to go through those things together; how to be each others comfort during times of grief and how pray each other through difficult decisions. This is one very effective way to ensure growth in your marriage; prayer and unity.

We can also help each other grow by being supportive. Our husbands/wives need us to be their cheerleaders. We should always provoke them to do good works- to be successful. They should walk out of the door knowing they have a strong support system at home. This boost their confidence and makes their road a little easier, especially if they were feeling insecure.

Our relationships should be one that is constantly growing to higher heights. Today, I challenge you to sit down and think about how your spouse has helped you grow in life. Think about what you have done that helps your husband/wife be successful in all areas in their lives. I encourage you to pray and ask the Lord to help you be a blessing to your husband/wife. Tell them how proud of them you are and how blessed you are. Share your thoughts with them.

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Have a blissful week in your marriage!

Kennisha Hill